Prayer at Church of the Holy Spirit
A healthy practice in the life of disciple of Jesus Christ.
Prayer has been the backbone of Church of the Holy Spirit since the beginning. As it has been said, “Church is a hospital for the sick, not a museum for the saints.” With this in mind, each of us have areas within our lives that need attention of the physician, the Great Physician, Jesus. Please read further to find our the various avenues of prayer that are available through Church of the Holy Spirit.
How can we pray for you?
Prayer is essential for a life in Christ.
Prayer at Sunday Services
How we pray for you.
A Praying Life Conference
March 8-9, 2024
We believe prayer is a foundational piece to a faithful Christian walk. We, at Church of the Holy Spirit believe that when we pray on our own and with others, we are partnering with God to see His Kingdom Come and His Will Be Done on earth (at CHS, across our city, across the nations and the world) as it is in Heaven. Our prayers do make a difference!
We believe God fills us with His Spirit and guides us as we pray. Through prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit, God empowers us to live out the Christian life in following Jesus Christ. We believe the Bible is clear about the gifts of the Spirit being for today. And most importantly, we believe that a person can truly be transformed into a “new creation” by the power of God’s Spirit at work in them.
When you find yourself hurting spiritually, in need of physical healing, or struggling with any other difficult circumstance, please know that we are here to pray with you. If you find yourself struggling with an addiction, depression, or an unbearable grief, your church family longs to come alongside you and help you hear from God.
If you would like more information regarding prayer and healing ministries – or if you would like to receive healing prayer – please contact the Rev. Barbara Murray ( or call 540-772-4915.